Food choices constitute one of the largest ways people affect the environment. There's a new movement of people trying to eat only locally through CSA's and home gardening, and this blog is about my foray into trying to curb my environmental impact by growing my own home garden. Even just 70 years ago, home gardens were the norm, not the exception. I believe that it's time to bring growing back to homes and communities. Even the Obama's are starting their own "victory" garden. Even if you only have one square foot, you can grow something that won't have to use fossil fuels to arrive in your fridge, and most major cities have community plots available for apartment dwellers to use.

I'd been wanting to create my own home garden for a while now, but I felt a little daunted by the amount of work having a vegetable garden could entail. Then my mom read a book called "Square Foot Gardening," by Mel Bartholomew. Foll
owing his instructions she created a beautiful garden in her backyard in Florida. When I saw how easy it was for my parents to create their garden, and when I learned how little upkeep it required I decided I wanted to build one of my own.
On a recent visit with us, my parents guided me through building my very own raised vegetable garden. It's not a "square foot" garden, because it's not divided into square feet, but it utilizes pretty much the same techniques. My goal is to track growth of the garden through this web log and share my experiences, both good and bad, with whomever would like to learn about growing a simple home garden.
Darling Daughter, this is wonderful for you to share your gardening adventures. Hopefully others will be inspired to grow little salad gardens too. Love, Mom