Friday, July 24, 2009

Road bumps and weird growth!

Okay, I knew there'd be issues eventually. First of all, I have a bit of a powdery mold problem on my zucchini plants. I cut away the very damaged leaves, and I'm trying only water the plants at the base. The mold forms because of moisture on the leaves and it can kill the plant. It can also spread to other kinds of squash, gourds, melon etc. So that's a poopy problem for an organic garden. I'll just have to keep trying to contain it.

My second issue is that thus far, most of the tomatoes harvested have been mealy. I read that this happens when the temperature drops below 50 degrees. I don't remember the weather getting that cold after the tomatoes had started growing, but I guess it's possible. The only tomatoes that haven't been mealy have been kind of deformed (see the picture of the yellow tomatoes below). Their deformity probably has to do with how consistently I've been watering. Maybe sometimes they got too much and other times not enough. But they tasted good anyway! Had to cut around all the weird parts, but that's no crime.

Finally, the cucumbers are looking WEIRD. They're curling as they grow, and this one is half developed (see picture). I have no idea what this means. None at all. Any ideas?

Powdery mold.
Cucumber weirdness...
Tomato weirdness. And some critter took a bite out of the one on the left.
Beautiful, but mealy.

1 comment:

  1. What are you doing to control the mildew/ mold from the zucchini? I think I have the same problem and I am not sure what to do (this is my first time trying vegetables)
