Friday, May 29, 2009

Tomatoes Ahoy!

I have now counted four beautiful fat little heirloom tomatoes growing on one of the Rainbow Mix tomato plants. Also, the Red Currant tomatoes are turning, you guessed it, red! Check it out. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What's at stake?

Tomatoes! Our tomato plants are growing by leaps and bounds. They started outmaybe 3 inches tall and are now 3 FEET tall! A couple of them had started tipping over. I had already taken time to tie the Red Currant tomato to its trellis, but new shoots were starting to sprawl into the rest of the garden. I ended up tying even more of that plant to the trellis. I wonder what it would look like if I didn't take the time to do that... my guess is that it would probably take over a good third of my garden plot!

The heirloom Rainbow Mix tomatoes each needed their own stake. We employed the "reuse" part of "Reduce, reuse, recycle" and chopped up an old trellis to create stakes. Brandon hammered them into the ground and then I tied each tomato plant up. It not only was good for the tomatoes, but it looks cute too. And I discovered the first baby tomatoes on those plants! 

The rest of the garden is growing very quickly as well. I can't get over how huge the zucchini plants are already. Apparently we're "in trouble" with five zucchini plants and will end up having to pay people to take extra zucchini off our hands. 

We also sprinkled fresh compost and worm castings from my worm box. It was the first time I finally had enough compost to use in any practical way. I think the plants really like it too. The pea shoots grew about an inch over night, as did the broccoli... don't even get me started on how much bigger the zucchini are after the compost! 

Baby Acorn Squash, thriving now that's it's been transplanted

Holy Moly- look at that zucchini!

First time using our homemade compost. Yum!

Baby heirloom tomatoes

Everything in the garden is growing and growing!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Garden Explosion

No time to write today, just wanted to post some amazing pictures. Garden EXPLOSION!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Giant Plants!

I've decided not to blog at the end of the week on the dot anymore, so no more "week one" etc titles. 

It's been a little over a week since the last blog and my plants have grown about a foot! When we got back from our trip, a few seedlings had kicked the bucket. But I replanted and have been taking very good care of my garden and now we have seedlings once again. The romaine lettuce seedlings are back, and we have three zucchini sprouts as well as 3 or 4 cantaloupe sprouts! Here are just a few pictures. Amazing differences. 

And have I mentioned how tasty the salad straight from the garden is? I also appreciate that I'm wasting less produce now because I'm not buying a whole bag of lettuce and then only using half. And there's no plastic bag! Yay.... making an impact feels good.

Baby zucchini 
Lettuce close-ups 
Oooh, that romaine is so sexy!
Go tomatoes go!
Adorable little cantaloupe