Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Leftover chicken from Healthy Family Farms on lettuce from our garden. Farmer's market tomatoes and peppers too. Yum.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hang on to the vine...

Hang on little tomato! Baby tomatoes have appeared on my Stupice tomato plant ("Stupice," not "stupid." Har de har).

It's an exciting day. And judging by the number of flowers on the plant, we're in for a fruitful summer.

Most seeds have sprouted. The plants in my full-sun, half wine barrel are truly flourishing. Used the basil in pasta this week, and I had my first salad from my mixed salad greens. Yummy!

In other responsible eating news, we're very excited to become a Venice pick up location for the CSA members of Healthy Family Farms. They're a local farm that we like to get our eggs and meat from. Pasture raised, humanely treated, and lovely people who work there.

We made a beer can chicken recently, using one of their birds. Chicken that tastes like chicken!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Welcome squash babies!

I could see the sprouts from the window. They must have pushed through last night. All the rain we've been getting is a big help.

How exciting: here come zucchini and yellow squash!

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Holy green beans, Plantman!

One week of growing, my green beans are twice as tall.



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Sunday, May 8, 2011

New garden bliss!

Happy Mother's Day to all you mommas out there! I paid tribute to Mother Nature by finally giving my veggie patch the attention it's been needing.

Stopped by the local nursery and picked up a half wine barrel, Growers Gold dirt, and a couple of seedlings.

Home soon after and the project began in earnest!

Here's the half barrel under a shower we have but have never used in our backyard.

I think it's a little kitchy, but fun to put it there. The barrel is big enough that I could bathe in it if need be... But I'd rather plant stuff!

After planting tomatoes (Boxcar Willie and Stupice), green beans, basil and zucchini (seeds) in the wine barrel, I moved on to the more daunting task...

...of cleaning out the overgrown mess that used to be my garden. It took a while, but at the end of the process, here's what I planted:

Jubilee watermelon
Sweet bell peppers
Cantaloupe (heart of gold)
Cucumber (straight 8)
Sweet corn
Moon & Stars watermelon
Black beauty eggplant

Can't wait for the first sprouts! And I think I'll have an even better growing season with my sun loving veggies in the half barrel in the sunniest part of our backyard and the other veg enjoying more space and water. Time will tell!

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Edible gardens at Disneyland

A beautiful example of edible landscaping is in the gardens of Tommorowland at Disneyland.

Check out the chard, bok choy, lettuces and herbs!

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